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           and The Nemours Foundation
               Information on Pesticides

"...There are many different classes of pesticides, including:
organochlorines (DDT, chlordane, and mirex); organophosphates
(parathion and diazinon); carbamates (aldicarb, carbaryl, and
carbofuran); pyrethroids (permethrin and cypermethrin); and
other agents.

...Following a large single exposure, pesticides can cause
headaches, dizziness, muscle twitching or weakness, tremors,
coordination problems, uncontrolled eye movements, blurred
vision, rashes, seizures, and other serious health problems

Long-term exposure to smaller amounts in air, food, or water
can cause chronic headaches, irritation to the eyes and breathing
passages, disorders of the brain and nerves, damage to the liver
and kidneys, cancer, chromosome injury, infertility, and damage
to the immune system.

Sometimes, as older pesticides are phased out because of toxicity,
their replacements are ultimately found to be just as toxic.
This was the case with chlorpyrifos [Dursban], an organophosphate
that became popular as chlordane was phased out.

Once widely used as a pesticide in household and professional
applications, chlorpyrifos was found to accumulate heavily on
surfaces long after it was applied.

Persons who were overexposed to chlorpyrifos suffered headaches,
dizziness, muscle twitching, vomiting, blurred vision, and other

To protect children from chlorpyrifos overexposure, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and pesticide
manufacturers agreed in 1997 to ELIMINATE chlorpyrifos in
broadcast pesticide products, such as foggers, as well as in pet
products, such as flea dips and shampoos.

Like chlorpyrifos, pesticides that are sprayed indoors may remain
suspended in the air for SEVERAL DAYS [in some studies, as
long as TWO weeks]
after application.

Eventually these chemicals SETTLE on floors, toys dropped on
floors, food left uncovered on countertops, and many HOUSEHOLD
. They can also enter your home on shoes that have been
in contact with pesticide-treated grass.

Pesticides sprayed outdoors can accumulate in water used for drinking,
cooking, and bathing, and they can coat the surfaces of produce sold
at your grocery store or farm stand."


From, the experts at

The Nemours Foundations, in association with their
sister site, KidsHealth at the AMA, which was
developed by two of the nation's most trusted health
and The Nemours Foundation.

--Original Source:

    under Parents, Home Safety and First Aid, then the article on
                                  Environmental Health Issues, under pesticides.

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