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The Neurological Effects of Pesticides
Information Page

Medical Information and Research


Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)
Stimulates Sensitive Brain Neurons,
Causes Possibly Fatal "Nausea"

The Lantern - Ohio State University
November 2000

Reactive Intestinal Dysfunction Syndrome
Caused by Chemical Exposures.

Dr. Allan Daniel Lieberman
Archives of Environmental Health

The Wisdom of the Gut:
Those Butterflies
in Your Stomach
Are Not Just in Your Mind

US News and World Report

Scientists are shocked to discover that the
gut operates its own nervous system,
related but separate from the brain --
the "gut brain."

New Discoveries About Migraines
ABC News

Scientists are discovering that migraines
 (which can be caused by pesticides and solvents)
are caused NOT by
the abnormal blood vessels
once blamed but by a
unique electrical disorder of brain cells.

For recently updated information on
migraines and "
toxic headache"
caused by exposures to toxins,
please click here.

Super-Sensitive Nerves
Play Key Role in Migraine Pain,
Minor Sensations Become Excruciating Pain

WebMD Medical News 

John Hopkins Research Links
Allergic Disease and Nervous System

John Hopkins University

1992 Symposium Presentation
on the Use of
QEEG Brain Mapping
for the Chemically Injured

Dr. Donald Dudley

Peripheral Neuropathy:
Symptoms and Managing the Pain

Mayo Clinic

Toxic Neuropathies Resulting from
Organophosphate Pesticides

Washington University School of
Medicine, St. Louis, MO

Neuropsychological Evaluation
of Bystander Exposure to Pesticides

Dr. Raymond Singer


Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning
Emergency Medicine Textbook

The Adverse Health Effects of Pesticides
The Adverse Health Effects of Pesticides

~*~Major Update~*~
~*~Migraine and "Toxic Headache" ~*~

Update includes new research:
Skin Sensitivity and Neurological Sensitization
Accompanying Migraines
and "Toxic Headaches"
~*~Asthma and Respiratory Disease ~*~
~*~Sensitization Reaction~*~
~*~Chemical Allergies ~*~
~*~Anaphylactic Reactions ~*~
~*~ Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome ~*~

Information on Pesticide Poisoning

Information Brief on Pesticides and
Cholinesterase Inhibition


Biological Monitoring of Workers
Exposed to Organo-phosphorus Pesticides

British Health and Safety Executive,
First published 1981

Report on Organophosphate Pesticides
Royal College of  Physicians and Psychiatrists

Pesticide Information
The American Medical Association

Neurological Effects on Learning
and Education


Are Pesticides Taking Away
the Ability of Our Children to Learn?

Journal of Pesticide Reform

Growing Up Challenged:
 How Toxic Chemicals May Impair
Our Children's Development, Behavior, and Learning
Massachusetts Association of Special Education
 Parent Advisory Councils (MASSPAC)

Tiny Amounts of DDT May Cause
Neurotoxic Developmental Brain Damage

Press Release from
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Brain Storm: Are We Threatening
Our Intelligence with Chemical Pollution?

E Magazine

Exposures of Children to
Organophosphate Pesticides
and Their Potential Adverse Health Effects

Center for Children's Environmental Health Research,
School of Public Health, University of California

Related Diseases and Syndromes



Physical Proof of the
Mechanisms of Fibromyalgia

ABC News
April 8, 2001
SBU's "Ultimate Solution"

Marie does not have and has never been diagnosed
with fibromyalgia, but there is little doubt that
the symptomology and mechanisms
of Marie's pesticide and solvent injuries
-- that is, severe pain and neurological sensitivity
due to dysfunction and damage to the neurology
and blood flow of the brain  --
are somewhat similar to fibromyalgia.

For years, SBU associates have
taunted and tortured Marie,
encouraging her to end her suffering
by committing suicide
-- which is their "solution" so that SBU would not be
"burdened" with the moral and financial responsibility
for their continued cruelty and criminality.

Marie has declined to participate in this "solution" --
especially in light of the fact that the chemical agents
which were used to poison her have been identified
and, therefore, extremely effective treatments
that would relieve much of Marie's pain and disability
(detoxification, biochemical, nutritional,
neurological, and physical therapies)

are now readily available --
though such treatments are still classified
as "experimental" in the United States
(and, thus, not covered by Medicare),
even though these treatments have proven
routinely safe and effective elsewhere
for as long as forty (40) years.

For those of you who do suffer from fibromyalgia,
please hold on to life.
Do not give up!

Even as you read this,
there is much progress being made
in research and education and 
light is shimmering
at the end of the tunnel

We do not want to loose any more of you ...
each of you is God-ordained
and impossible to replace.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue,
More Than Being Tired

CNN News
Christmas Day, 2001

Though Marie personally does not have
and has not been diagnosed
with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
many chemical-injured persons suffer
a chemically-induced variant
of this devastating syndrome.


Student Environmental Protection Act


The Student Environmental Protection Act
Information Page


Student Environment Protection Act
(SEPA) Bill Summary


Aromatic Hydrocarbon Solvents
and Propellants


The label on the Diazinon formulation used at
Southwest Baptist University
indicates that ALMOST HALF
of the Diazinon formulation was composed of XYLENE,
a aromatic petroleum distillate, used as a propellant.

The properties of xylene are as NEUROTOXIC
as those of the pesticides


by Aromatic Hydrocarbons

XYLENE and its BENZENE contaminants

Please see the new page:

Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Other Solvents
Information Page
click here

Neurological Damage Due to
Exposure to Neurotoxic Solvents

Various Medical Journals
including the
~*~Latest Updates~*~ 
Neurospect in Neurotoxic Chemical Exposure
Demonstration of Long-Term
Functional Abnormalities.

~*~Latest Update~*~
Neurotoxicity in SPECT
brain scans of patients
reporting chemical sensitivities.


Public Health Statement, 1990

 Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry

Public Health Statement, 1989

 Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry

Everyday Exposure to Toxic Pollutants
Scientific American

Solvent Abuse Information


Aromatic hydrocarbons, such as xylene,
are often implemented
in cases of injury or death associated
with the accidental or
intentional ("sniffing" or "huffing") inhalation

of propellant-containing
household products.

Teenage "Huffing" -- Worse Than Cocaine
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
March 15, 2000

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